Our Advisory Board
CEM Maintains an Advisory board that liaises with both the Trustees and Management. It provides expert input on CEM’s strategic business interests as well as represent CEM in international engagements and negotiations. This board comprises of individuals with strong interest and links to CEM’s work as follows:

Nicholas Gubbins
Advisor-Strategy and Fundraising
Nicholas is a founding member of Community Energy Scotland and served as its Chief Executive Officer for over 13 years. CES under his leadership delivered the Isle of Eigg’s wind, solar and hydro hybrid system as well as implementation of 37MW wind systems supplying power in Scotland. He was part of the Malawi Renewable Energy Acceleration Program (MREAP) and managed the Community Energy Development Program (CEDP) strand where the idea to start CEM was born. Nicholas is an active supporter of community development and is committed to working for a more equitable and sustainable society, both within and out of the renewables sector.

Damien Frame
Advisor-Business Modelling, Sustainability and impact assessments
Damien, is a senior member of the Energy for Development team within the Institute for Energy and Environment under University of Strathclyde. He works across a range of research and knowledge exchange projects with a focus on local energy systems and off-grid electricity access in developing countries. His work has primarily focused in Malawi and he has been participating in and leading energy access partnership projects, studies and assessments for over 10 years. His current role involves working with local institutions to develop and apply appropriate technical and business model innovation that delivers sustainable electricity access to rural, unserved communities. Damien’s key research interests include; rural electrification; off-grid solar PV systems; smart local energy systems; power system planning and operations and; low voltage distribution network analysis.

Michael Wilson
Advisor-Business Strategy, Fundraising, Contracts Negotiations
Michael is the Senior Program Manager for two of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ (IEEE) volunteer-led humanitarian programs; IEEE Smart Village and IEEE MOVE International. As an Institute employee since 2014, he drives the development and program administration of these two institute-wide global initiatives. IEEE Smart Village (ISV) has a unique approach to support the world’s energy-impoverished communities by providing a comprehensive solution combining renewable energy, community-based education, and entrepreneurial opportunities. Prior to joining IEEE, Michael working in family entertainment business for …years before joining Torchbearers Foundation for Missions, Reconciliation and Development (TBF) as International Development Analyst helping the Foundation move forward with its projects in the United States, across Africa and around the world. He is fluent in English and Mandarin (Chinese)